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Author Archives: Lorenz Andreas

The new +WoundDesk speaks now your language

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in mHealth, News
March 31st, 2016

Download +WoundDesk Update 1.4

Today we reached another important milestone on our way to make +WoundDesk the worldwide standard for mobile wound care. In a release designed to enhance the experience of the management of chronic wounds for healthcare professionals in many countries, we released localized versions of +WoundDesk in English, German and French.

The digitalMedLab Manifesto

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, Innovation
March 2nd, 2016

Our vision at digitalMedLab is to build simple and powerful digital health solutions and add value to the health ecosystem. In addition to these product goals, we have a focus on building a new way of working together, by rethinking a lot of traditional practices.

+WoundDesk Now Use SSL Encryption Everywhere

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in mHealth, News, Technology
February 13th, 2016

+WoundDesk Security

Today, we’re pushing for a safer, more secure digital health by ensuring all products powered by +WoundDesk can be accessed using SSL encryption. Not only will this ensure that no data could be intercepted as it goes over the network, but it will also help to build more patient privacy.

2015 a Year in Review by digitalMedLab

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company
January 15th, 2016

digitalMedLab - 2015 a year in review

Welcome to our 2015 year in review: a collection of highlights and some of our favorite moments.

mHealth – Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Ihr Mobiltelefon

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, mHealth, News, Press
November 4th, 2013

War früher bei einer Krankheit der Gang zum Arzt oder zur nächsten Apotheke in jedem Fall nötig, informieren wir uns heute immer häufiger im Internet oder bei Onlinediensten. Zahlreiche Foren und Apps markieren diesen Trend und stehen interessierten Nutzern zur freien Verfügung.