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Category Archives: Company

Our new business cards and pins just arrived

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, Design
July 24th, 2013

Speaking at BIOVISION – The World Life Sciences Forum in Lyon/France

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, Events
March 25th, 2013

New Office @Technopark

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company
November 22nd, 2012

After we stayed one year as a spin-off of Achtgrad at their office in Zurich, we have now our own office at Technopark Winterthur. It is near the main train station, in the old industrial part of Sulzer Areal. We are happy to be there, surounded by many other great Startup’s.

CTI-Startup Coach Acceptance

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company
June 25th, 2012

We just presented, last friday, our mobile health app +WoundDesk in front of the «Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI» and our CTI-Startup digitalMedLab got the CTI coaching acceptance! So the next step will be the CTI-Label.