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Category Archives: Events

Les highlights d’Arkathon 2015, le premier Hacking Health Suisse

Dr. Med. Sigam Patricia

Postet in Events, News
June 9th, 2015

Du 5 au 7 juin 2015, c’est tenu à Sierre l’Arkathon 2015, le premier Hacking Health a avoir lieu en Suisse. Le week-end a bien commencé avec l’initiateur du projet Sebastien Mabillard qui nous a offert un intro français-anglais pleine d’émotion. Au total 8 projets ont trouvé chaussure à leur pied et les équipes ont […]

Arkathon 2015, the first Hacking Health Switzerland

Dr. Med. Sigam Patricia

Postet in Events, News
June 9th, 2015

The last weekend, from June 5th to 7th, the small town Sierre in Valais was the Swiss capital of Hacking Health. Great start with Sebastien Mabillard, who gave us an emotional speak, mixing French and English. 8 challenges have found hackers to work on it. And the winner is… The virtual mouse, a solution that […]

Our new +WoundDesk feature trailer

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, Events
September 14th, 2013

Just a short feature trailer we produced in-house for our presentation at Startupfair 2013 next thuesday in Zurich, so there is no sound or off-voice…

digitalMedLab selected for Women’s Corner at Swiss Startupfair 2013

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, Events
September 3rd, 2013

We are selected, as one of the 5 Startups, for the Women’s Corner at the Swiss Startupfair 2013 (Sept. 17, 2013) to present our product +WoundDesk. So if you are also there, come and say hello!

Speaking at BIOVISION – The World Life Sciences Forum in Lyon/France

Lorenz Andreas

Postet in Company, Events
March 25th, 2013